Land Rover Discovery 4 360 Car Interior Photography

Car interior photography

A recent 360 car interior photography project for Land Rover showcases the new Discovery, and was to run with Land Rover’s main ad campaign.

Eye Revolution’s head photographer Will Pearson has recently been getting inside the Land Rover Discovery 4 – the acclaimed 4×4 which is the hero of the international ‘Been Anywhere Interesting Lately?’ ad campaign. The car is pictured in the desert, jungle and on a mountain, environments which it handles with ease.

Will shot the interiors of the Discovery in several different versions of the car, and the resulting high-resolution 360s feature not only on the Land Rover website, but also in the international banner campaign. We worked hard to integrate the 360 panoramas into the Google DoubleClick Studio template, which we believe was a world-first.

If you’d like to read more about the process for shooting 360 car interior photography, please click here.