View looking up the grand staircase at Old Sessions House in London.

The End of The Google Trusted Photographer Scheme

Google announced that their Trusted Photographer Scheme would cease to operate from the end of 2024. What does this mean for businesses who would’ve previously commissioned a ‘trusted photographer’ to undertake a 360 virtual tour?

What was the Trusted Photographer scheme?

The Google Trusted Photographer program provided photographers with a certification. Professional photographers were trained and/or approved by Google to create 360-degree virtual tours and high-quality images for businesses. They helped businesses enhance their online presence by adding virtual tours to Google Maps and Google Search through the “See Inside” feature. It aimed to improve user engagement and provide businesses with better visibility in local search results.

Were Eye Revolution an accredited Google Trusted Photographer?

Yes. We were not trained by Google (as we’d been creating 360 virtual tours before Google introduced Streetview!), but we were awarded their Trusted Photographer accreditation.

While it was nice to receive the accreditation, it didn’t change much for us, as our 360 photography standards have always exceeded those set by Google. We’ve consistently aimed for a higher level of quality and detail in our work, ensuring the best possible experience for our clients.

So, what now?

The end of the Trusted Photographer scheme is not something to be concerned about. Clients can select a virtual tour company on the strength of their portfolio, their client list and testimonials, and how well they understand and can meet your objectives.

Why have 360s on your Google Business profile

Google’s big priority is offering high quality content to their users. They like to see businesses offering great, user-friendly imagery on their Business Listings.

A study by IPSOS found that listings with photos and a virtual tour are twice as likely to generate interest in your business.

(IPSOS: Impact of Search Listings for Local Businesses, 2014)

The Google Business listing appears when someone searches for your business or the service you offer. Anyone can add content to your listing. Thus, your customers can take pictures and add them to your listing – this can help or hinder.

Your Google Business listing can help you drive traffic and increase click-throughs, or it can fall flat by delivering poor quality content. This is often the very first ‘window’ customers have into your business and brand. Some companies haven’t yet taken control of their business listing and so the first images that prospects see are poor quality stills or even phone pictures that other customers have uploaded. High-quality, relevant content, such as good 360 images, should be ranked higher on the listing. Meanwhile, poor-quality images should sink lower down the results. Thus, having superb 360s on your business listing has become even more important.

Your Google Business listing can be a powerful marketing tool. It gives you the opportunity to showcase the look and feel of your business. Thus enhancing your online visibility and driving traffic to your website.

Can virtual tours still be added to Google listings?

Absolutely. Your business should already have a ‘Google Business’ profile. This profile shows your details, including a location map and photos, plus a ‘see outside’ image from Streetview. Here’s an example:

Image showing how Google Business listings appear in a Google search. Taken from our article about the end of the Google Trusted Photographer scheme.

When you click on ‘see photos’, there is a 360 section, where your 360 images can be seen:

Image showing 360s seen in a Google Business listing. Taken from our article about the end of the Google Trusted Photographer scheme.

What about my virtual tour appearing on Streetview?

Streetview users can still see your virtual tour, but it’s a little different now. A user on Streetview will see a little red icon showing that Google has information about a location. Here’s how it looks for one of our clients in New York:

Google streetview

Once the user clicks on the ‘Photos’, there’s a section with all the client’s 360s available to view:

Google Streetview - look inside using 360 images

These 360s can be linked together. Thus, once the viewer is inside one 360, they can then do a walkthrough. They’ll use the markers on the floor to move along – just like on Streetview outside. You can see an example screenshot below:

This still image is taken from our article about the end of the Google Trusted Photographer scheme. It shows a bridal shop virtual tour walkthrough as it appears on Google Streetview.

However, any enhanced content (such as info pop-ups, embedded video, ‘share my view’, etc) that you may have on your main virtual tour won’t be available on Streetview or your Google Business listing.

How to select a virtual tour company now the Google Trusted Photographer accreditation has ceased

We’ve written a helpful guide for clients who have never commissioned a virtual tour before. This is intended to help clients understand what to look for, how to easily spot photographic flaws, what functionality may be available and various other tips. Click the link to read our guide to commissioning a virtual tour.

If you choose to trust us with your project, you’ll be in excellent company. You’ll be joining companies who value quality, innovation and discretion. We work with the Royal Household, British Airways, Jaguar Land Rover, The Royal & Ancient Golf Club at St Andrews, M&S, Canon and Emirates to name just a tiny selection. We’ve been specialists in 360 images for over 2 decades, constantly refining our equipment and processes for optimum results.

What does it cost?

Your project will be different to the last project we did. Your objectives will be different. We don’t have a ‘one price fits all’ solution – just as the photography and interface is tailored to you needs, each project is estimated according to the brief. After an initial discussion, we provide a clear estimate for you that gives you various options to select.

Book a demo

We’ve been creating virtual tours that work hard for our clients for many years. Consequently, we have a wealth of experience and expertise in how to photograph your space for maximum impact.

We’d love to hear about your project and arrange a free demo for you. Please click here to get in touch and arrange a demo.

This article is correct at the time of writing, but please note that Google makes changes to their interface which may not be reflected above.