We welcome healthy competition within the virtual tour industry. However, we are currently alerted to several cases each week of copyright infringers, where other companies (both in the UK and overseas) have simply copied or created derivative versions of our site design, text, our virtual tours and / or photographs. Copyright infringement is against the law in all circumstances, but when marketing a creative service it is unforgivable to simply steal content instead of innovating. We do not tolerate this theft. Our content is protected by copyright services, so infringers will be discovered and action will be taken.

We act swiftly and decisively against those using our design or content either directly or in derivative versions. Actions can include but are not limited to; a full or partial site takedown by the infringer’s ISP; reporting the infringer to Google and other search engines resulting in search engine listing / adwords removal; naming and shaming in an an online list of infringers; legal action for copyright infringement.

In addition to the obvious legal and business reasons to act against copyright infringers, we have a duty to our Clients to protect their content as it appears in our portfolio. If you have commissioned work by Eye Revolution and you have been a victim of copyright infringement (whether this is work created by us or your other content), you are welcome to contact us and we can offer advice on how best to tackle the infringement.