Georgian House, Whitechapel

This property 360 tour gives you a sneak peek at this incredible house in Whitechapel, East London, where the current owner has created a Georgian living space fit for the 21st century.

The property was built at the end of the 18th century and had seen life as a tailor’s shop as well as a family home. The owner lovingly converted it back from a commecial property into a home. The conversion was undertaken with great respect for the original house, and is now a Georgian gem once more.

A property 360 tour gives viewers the most-in-depth look around a property without actually being there. Photography is clear and crisp, letting viewers zoom in to see the detail around the rooms. Each property 360 tour is VR enabled, so can also be viewed on VR headsets. Our 360s are also optimised for delivery on mobile devices.