Gunnebo Showroom Virtual Tour

Gunnebo Entrance Control required a showroom virtual tour which would allow prospective customers worldwide to get an overview of the products in their showroom.

Who are Gunnebo?

Gunnebo create entrance control systems which manage the security and flow of people in buildings throughout the world, from airports to offices, stations to sports stadiums.

Why 360s?

Using the 360 tours, customers can select the control system that interests them – for example stiles for sports stadia, and click to read the details about that particular system. The showroom virtual tour opens up the showroom to visitors worldwide, not just prospects in the local area.

Each info pop-up contains an overview of information – both text and multiple images showing the systems. These images bring the products to life – showing them in situ in a variety of places and also being used, showing the flow of people through them. By clicking the ‘Find Out More’ button on each pop-up, the prospective customer can be taken directly to the information page on Gunnebo’s website for that particular product. The 360s are nicely integrated with the website, thus becoming a valuable part of the sales process.

Please click here to visit the Gunnebo showroom virtual tour

A pleasure to work with, the Eye Revolution team produced a great looking virtual showroom tour with impressive results delivered after a brief 1-hour shoot. They were very receptive and accommodating with feature requests and I always felt confident in their in-house technical and creative talents. Highly recommended!